Colectivo Pais is a movement created by a bunch of young designers, illustrators, artists and professionals from all disciplines, who got together and created a brand for our country El Salvador. The illustrations and designs were donated, which help represent the true qualities of a Salvadorean. Colectivo Pais is showing them to the world with a modern take on colors and style.

En El Salvador Aplaudimos Todos Los Días.
"In El Salvador, we clap everyday"

En El Salvador Todos Somos Artistas.
"Everyone in El Salvador is an artist"
"Everyone in El Salvador is an artist"

En El Salvador Existe una Hora Donde Nadie Discute.
"In El Salvador there is a time of day where nobody argues"
"In El Salvador there is a time of day where nobody argues"

El Salvador es el País con más payasos Por Metro2.
"El Salvador is the country with the most clowns in a square mile"
"El Salvador is the country with the most clowns in a square mile"

En El Salvador, El Mango es La Fruta Que Más Ha Viajado
"In El Salvador, Mango is the fruit that has traveled the most"
"In El Salvador, Mango is the fruit that has traveled the most"